Paper Draft (Milestone #3)¶
- You are capable of setting up a software infrastructure for authoring scientific papers using LaTeX
- Prepare a first draft of your paper that serves as basis for the review (→ Milestone #4)
Grading Factor: ungraded
Prepare a first version of the paper and submit it via EasyChair
Use the Springer Link LNCS LaTeX Template that can be downloaded from the Springer LNCS Authors’ Landing page.
Page limit: 8 - 12 pages incl. bibliography without appendix
- References:
- Amount: 15 - 25
- Origin: Mostly primary and secondary literature from scientific databases
- Please also consider the following things:
- Follow the standard structure of scientific papers
- Use the appropriate language, notation conventions, and formulations
When submitting the paper, please overwrite the previsously entered information and upload the paper. Do not create a new submission, just replace your previous file with the new version.
The following results need to be achieved in order to meet the formal requirements of this milestone:
- Preparation of a first draft of the scientific paper
- Uploading of the paper to the EasyChair system
- Updated information in the EasyChair system (optional)
Letztes Update:
17. September 2024